Silly Questions

Q: You can chop it, punch it, beat it, threw it away. But it won’t get hurt. What it is?


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Q: Name any thing that is as big as an elephant but weighs zero!

A: An Elephant’s Shadow

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Q: Do you know why dogs wag their tail?

A: Because you or me cannot wag the tails.

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There is a head and there is a tail! But no body – what is it?


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I have ocean but no water. Who am I?


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Can you make SEVEN an even number?


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Q: What starts with “T”, end with “T” and it contain “T” within?

A: A “Teapot”

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Q: what is the thing that has only a neck, but no head?

A: A bottle!!

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Q: What type of fish that you can see in heaven?

A: only an Angel fish!!

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Q: Why the cream biscuit went to dentist?

A: Because it has lost its filling!!

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Q: Why does a hen always lay eggs?

A: If she dropped eggs, they would break!!

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Q: Can you go 10 days without sleep?

A: Sure, I sleep only at night!!

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Q: if you had four oranges and three mangoes in one hand and three oranges and four mangoes in other hand, what would you have?

A: definitely, very large hands!!

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Q: What will a trendy frog like to wear?

A: Jumpsuits!!

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Q: They have banks. But no money! What are they?

A: Rivers!!

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Q: Why does the motorcycle rest on its stand?

A: Because it feels too “tired”

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Q: Why the boy was carrying a ladder to the school?

A: Because he is just joined the high school!!

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Q: How can you make fruit punch in a simple way?

A: Just introduce it with some boxing lessons!!

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Q: Weighing a fish is very easy, Why?

A: Because the fish has its own scales!!

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Q: While drying, what is the thing that gets wet?

A: A towel!!

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Q: What is the fruitiest topic in school lessons?

A: It is History. Because it consists full of Dates!!

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Q: Here is the question, what you cannot eat for breakfast in the morning?

A: No doubt, Dinner!!

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