What not to do in an interview
It's Confusing

1Percent Of People Do This. Try Not To Talk Too Much With Your Hands. It's Confusing.

Uploaded By: Raj Jan,9 2016
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Poor Body Language

Eye contact, good posture, a cheerful demeanour and
A firm handshake will get you a long way in an interview.

Uploaded By: Santhosh Nov,27 2015
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Sitting Down Before Invited.

It is common courtesy to wait until you are shown a seat to sit down.
Also avoid slouching or putting your feet anywhere but firmly on the ground.

Uploaded By: Jessie Nov,18 2015
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Dressing Inappropriately

While smart casual might be the current trend, professional attire is
Still proper business etiquette for interviews. It is all about first impressions.

Uploaded By: Liza Nov,9 2015
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Turning Up Late

Unless you have a very good excuse and ring ahead to rearrange,
Turning up late for an appointment will not endear you to any employer.


Uploaded By: Pankaj Nov,3 2015
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Weak Handshake

Weak Handshake: 22,Percent of people do this. You want to be firm and confident when shaking your potential bosses hand.

Uploaded By: Rajaan Jul,22 2015
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Turning And Poor Body Language

Turning up late
Unless you have a very good excuse and ring ahead to rearrange, turning up late for an appointment will not endear you to any employer.
Poor body language
Eye contact, good posture, a cheerful demeanour and a firm handshake will get you a long way in an interview.

Uploaded By: Nikki Jul,13 2015
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What Not To Do In An Intervies

don't let your nerves show too much; a few nerves are normal but extreme nerves will affect your performance. Use breathing techniques and try to remember that it's not a life and death situation - there are plenty of jobs out there!
don't be arrogant and assume you've got the job. Nothing turns off employers more than someone who is disrespectful and over-confident
don't discuss controversial topics such as religion, politics and gender relations
don't read from notes or your CV — you should be familiar enough with your own history to be able to talk about it unprompted
don't criticise former employers or colleagues. Interviewers may mark you down as a troublemaker and a gossip
don't argue with the interviewer, no matter what. Remember to keep things positive!

Uploaded By: Mahesh Babu Jul,3 2015
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What Not To Do In An Intervies

don't be late
don't swear or use slang words
don't slouch in your seat or do anything that makes you look uninterested
don't smoke
don't lie: the interviewer may see through you. Even if you get the job, your employer can dismiss you if they find out that you have not been honest

Uploaded By: Gujju Jul,3 2015
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During an introduction

During an introduction, make a note of someones eye colour. You’re not going to use the information .
it’s just a technique to achieve the optimum amount of eye contact, which people find friendly and confident.


Uploaded By: Praveen Jun,4 2015
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Fidgeting with unnecessary props

This can include mobile phones, nail files and chewing gum.
They all have one thing in common — they don’t belong at the interview table.

Uploaded By: Abhishek Jun,4 2015
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Turning up late

Unless you have a very good excuse and ring ahead to rearrange, turning up late for an appointment will not endear you to any employer.
Dressing inappropriately
While smart casual might be the current trend, professional attire is still proper business etiquette for interviews. It’s all about first impressions.

Uploaded By: Munni Jun,4 2015
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Not doing your research

You might have the skills to do the job but do you know the how the company operates?
Check the ‘About Us’ link on the company website and read their mission statement.
Find out who the competition and major players in the market are.

Uploaded By: Jessie Jun,4 2015
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Showing too much nervousness in a Interview

Being someone that you are not

Rambling on and on

Exaggerating too much


Uploaded By: Karan Oct,30 2014
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Showing too much nervousness in a Interview

Being someone that you are not

Rambling on and on

Exaggerating too much


Uploaded By: Karan Oct,30 2014
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Take Care of Hygiene Issues before the Interview

Using the bathroom in the middle of an interview

Sweaty palms as you will have to shake hands


Uploaded By: Praveen Oct,30 2014
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Don't be to casual in an Interview

Being too casual

Reclining your chair / putting your feet up

Rocking your chair back and forth


Sitting before the Interviewer sits

Avoid extravagant gestures / too much hand waving


Uploaded By: Karan Oct,30 2014
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Mind your manners in an interview

Chewing Gum / Eating Candy

Looking at the clock / watch

Answering your cell phone / Leaving your cell phone on

Smoking even if the interviewer asks you to

Speaking too loudly

Getting angry or frustrated

Sitting too close to the interviewer


Uploaded By: Praveen Oct,30 2014
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Things to avoid during an Interview

You are at the interview.  It is time to put your best foot forward and present yourself in the best possible light to the interviewers.  Go through our essential checklist to avoid making some fauz pas at the interview.   Remain professional at all times during the interview.

Uploaded By: Aakash Oct,30 2014
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