Looking Forward

All of my life i have struggled with finding what i wanted to do with my life. When i was little i used to change what i wanted to be when i grow up. I wanted to be a Ice skater,then dancer, a nurse many more. One day when i was a kindergartner, we had job day. I came home and asked my dad, "How will i know what to do with my life." My dad hugged me and said, " You find something that makes you happy." I never forgot what my dad said to me that day. Now i am a junior in high school planing to move to New York after high and work as a fashion designer. I am grateful for what my dad said that day. It has helped me discover that I wanted to be a fashion designer.

  May,27 2015
Hansimazak Hansimazak Hansimazak Hansimazak
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