A Glorious Morning
by Pam
A gentle breeze ruffled the curtains, bringing with it the fragrant scent of roses. The call of songbirds floated through the air. Lying on the cool, crisp sheets was comforting, but this promised to be a glorious morning.
Sliding quietly from the covers and slipping on a silk robe, I shuffled across the thick carpet, smiling at its softness between my toes. My walk down the hall was interrupted by my traditional peek into each bedroom door at the sleeping occupants within. Scott’s left arm was flung above his head as if reaching high for something his older brother dangled just out of reach. I shook my head at the playful teasing he endured. In the next room, Matt scrunched his pillow beneath his head, one foot carelessly flung from beneath the covers – probably dreaming of the tennis match he had won the day before.
The dogs sensed the blessings of this morning, too. They padded quietly beside me and sat at attention on either side of my patio chair. Sunlight sprinkled through the trees, bursting into individual suns on the dew-covered grass. Rags and Val wriggled their wet noses into my lap.
As we sat quietly, a group of finches flew to the feeders hanging under the eaves. A female cardinal perched atop a box of sunflower seeds as her mate watched from the fence. Time seemed to slow as this symphony of life unfolded.
A cup of coffee appeared on the table, my husband sitting in the chair beside me. Within minutes hummingbirds buzzed and flitted around us. Their territorial dances entertained as well as amazed.
Soon each tousled-haired boy slid into place – our family now complete. Their sleepy eyes quickly awoke to the wonder of nature moving from the quiet stillness of darkness to the joy and anticipation of light. They joined the silent reverie as we welcomed this gift of a new day.
His hand is there, soft and generating movement and power.
From our darkness He moves us slowly to the light.
I know His presence in the birth of each new day and its