Walk With Girl Friend
Treat Her With Dignity

Treat Her With Dignity.
Share Your Everyday Events And Thoughts With Your Girl.
If She Wants To Pay For Something, Let Her.

Uploaded By: Poonam Jan,28 2016
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Touch Her Regularly

Hold her hand, give her a hug, rub her back, or gently touch her face.
These gestures will all make her feel protected and loved.
Love her like you would want to be loved.

Uploaded By: Julia Dec,1 2015
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Tell Her You Love Her

Make sure you mean it. If you are not ready to go there yet, that is fine.
But, be sure to switch that I love you for a really good.
You know how special you are to me? or a
I like you so much. I m a really lucky guy.

Uploaded By: Gujju Nov,19 2015
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Be honest

Be honest from the start.
Trust can be incredibly hard to regain once it is broken.
Instead of risking being caught in a lie,
Just be honest from the get go.

Uploaded By: Rahul Nov,4 2015
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Slightly Wider

Place your feet slightly wider apart than natural; this will stop you from shifting your weight and will help you stand like this for long periods of time.

Uploaded By: Shilpa Oct,13 2015
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Your Eyes

Spend a few days catching her gaze every now and then. Do not just stare at her, though instead, shoot her small glances until your eyes meet and she catches you.

Uploaded By: Chameli Sep,23 2015
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Suitable for all ages. Recommended if this is your first time here, you are under 18, or you do not really like the possibility of being abused. Nice friendly chat.

Uploaded By: Chameli Aug,27 2015
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Suitable for all ages. Recommended if this is your first time here, you are under 18, or you do not really like the possibility of being abused. Nice friendly chat.

Uploaded By: Chameli Aug,27 2015
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Suitable for all ages. Recommended if this is your first time here, you are under 18, or you do not really like the possibility of being abused. Nice friendly chat.

Uploaded By: Chameli Aug,27 2015
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Love Her

Simple is best. Stick with I love you, or You make me so happy, or I am really lucky to have you. Do not be so poetic that you go overboard.

Uploaded By: Santhosh Aug,27 2015
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Something Romantic

Let your girlfriend know you're thinking about her. Put a note, or a flower, or something romantic in the glove box of her car about twice every week.

Uploaded By: Tina Aug,13 2015
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Drives You Crazy

Tell her that she drives you crazy, and that she's the prettiest girl you've ever laid eyes on.
Tell her that you've never met anyone like her.

Uploaded By: Poonam Aug,5 2015
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Must Walk Ourselves

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

Uploaded By: Pankaj Jul,30 2015
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The Right Way

Get your girlfriend's number. One of the first things you should do when you get a girlfriend,is to get her number. If you can, call her a couple of days after you get it. Calling right away can make you seem desperate.

Uploaded By: Liza Jul,23 2015
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Be confident

Girls love guys who are really confident in who they are. Remember, you don't have to be Brad Pitt or LeBron James to be confident. Being confident is all about knowing who you are, knowing what you like and dislike, and being calm and collected.

Uploaded By: Liza Jul,2 2015
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Understand what makes women click

Women are maternal creatures: they love taking care of things. That's why she cooks you great meals, or packs your backpack, or worries when you don't call after you've gone home. Take advantage of her nature and show her that you appreciate her effort, and let her know that you care back.

Uploaded By: Neeta Jul,2 2015
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Remember important dates

This is a big deal with women. Birthdays, anniversaries and other milestones are all opportunities to show her how special she is to you. Keep an agenda or a calendar with all these dates.

Uploaded By: Santi Jul,2 2015
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Remember what she likes and dislikes

Being romantic is all about taking what you know about her and showing her how much these things mean to you.

Uploaded By: Karan Jul,2 2015
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Be thoughtful

The small things matter the most. Be a gentleman. Hold doors open for her. Thinking of her means putting yourself in her shoes sometimes and wondering what you can give her or do for her.

Uploaded By: Gujju Jul,2 2015
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Be romantic

Every girl wants a guy with a sense of romance. Girls like to pretend (deep down inside, mostly; sometimes very literally) that they are stars of their own fairy tale, and they want to be treated like it. Show your girl that you care about her by putting a little effort into your romance.

Uploaded By: Sunny Jul,2 2015
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Share your everyday events

Being open and communicative makes her feel like you want her in your life. Being intimate isn't just about getting to know her body; it's also about sharing the things that happen to you, and going through them together.

Uploaded By: Karan Jul,2 2015
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Treat her with dignity

Treating your girl with dignity means treating her the way that you would want to be treated. Don't swear at her, manipulate her, use her for your own benefit, or shoot down her ideas. Making her as happy as possible is a goal, so it's not going to happen overnight. But work toward it slowly, and try as hard as you can, even if you don't succeed.

Uploaded By: Aisha Jul,2 2015
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Put her first, yourself second

Put her needs in front of yours. This does not meant that you are weak. It just means that, most of the time, you're willing to bend for her, even if it was not something you wanted to do.

Uploaded By: Aakash Jul,2 2015
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Touch her regularly

Even the slightest touch can make a woman feel special. Make sure it's a respectful and gentle touch, and not one that's overly sexual or suggestive.

Uploaded By: Priya Jul,2 2015
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Tell her you love her

Make sure you mean it. If you're not ready to go there yet, that's fine. But, be sure to switch that "I love you" for a really good "You know how special you are to me?" or a "I like you so much; I'm a really lucky guy.

Uploaded By: Julia Jul,2 2015
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Show her affection

Girls want guys to show them affection because it tells her that you care about her, and that you're willing to show that love in a public way. It doesn't always have to be public (PDA), but get used to the idea, because she wants other people to see how much you love her, so don't be afraid to kiss her or hold her hand in public.

Uploaded By: Priya Jul,2 2015
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Touch her regularly and on the spur of the moment.

Even the slightest touch can make a woman feel special. Make sure it's a respectful and gentle touch, and not one that's overly sexual or suggestive.

Uploaded By: Rehan May,29 2015
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Tell her you love her

Make sure you mean it. If you're not ready to go there yet, that's fine. But, be sure to switch that "I love you" for a really good "You know how special you are to me?" or a "I like you so much; I'm a really lucky guy."

Uploaded By: Santhosh May,29 2015
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Know Her,

Try getting to know her, maybe if she works somewhere near you, you can go "visit" her work place. Pop in and say hey before you leave to go home, or maybe ask her if she'd like to hang out on your break.

Uploaded By: Nikki Feb,3 2015
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Like The Person

Remember that if she doesn't like the person inside then it's just her loss .

Uploaded By: Jessie Feb,3 2015
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Be Yourself

Fakeness is one of the biggest turnoffs for a girl. The same goes for lines. Unless the line is very sweet and original, don't use it.

Uploaded By: Munni Feb,3 2015
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Don't Take It

Tell her your name first before you ask for hers. If she doesn't seem to like you, don't push her, just calmly walk away with a stiff smile. This will give her a sense of security and warmth and she'll tend to smile at you the next day. You should also reflect her smile. Slowly, conversation may start, if it doesn't, forget her.

Uploaded By: Liza Feb,3 2015
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Just push by her once and make it look like a mistake. Then apologize and introduce yourself.

Uploaded By: Chameli Feb,3 2015
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Be Funny

Introduce an element of humor into your compliments, or tell a joke or funny story about yourself. Do NOT make a joke about her, she could easily become offended and walk away.

Uploaded By: Neeta Feb,3 2015
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Compliment her

Try not to overdo it but saying something sweet and gentlemanly will boost her ego which will help her confidence a lot.

Feb,3 2015
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Speak Quickly

You need to be a quick thinker and should be able to mold every situation with tact.

Uploaded By: Neeta Feb,3 2015
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Approach And Smile

Unless your smile looks more like a leer, she will normally get the idea that you are trying to be friendly.

Uploaded By: Angel Feb,3 2015
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Evaluate her

Instead of just rushing up to her and launching into a conversation, take some time to watch her. You can really pick up some helpful tips while doing this. For example, she stops by a book cart that sells fantasy novels, so you can guess that she would like to read! Or she's wearing a shirt that has one if your favorite bands on it. But don't make it obvious that you're watching her or she may think that you're stalking her.

Uploaded By: Aisha Feb,3 2015
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Understand That Not All Breasts Are The Same

Each tit is a snowflake,” says sex expert Lora Somoza. Just because something has worked with one partner in the past, that doesn’t mean the same will work for your next partner. “There’s not one specific tip that’s going to be good for every woman. Some women want breast stimulation in the form of tender, soft teasing, and some want it rougher. You have to know your audience,” she says.

Uploaded By: Aakash Feb,3 2015
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